My New Teeth Whitening Routine (That Actually Works!)

My New Teeth Whitening Routine (That Actually Works!)

I have never loved my smile as much as I do now! It has fully given me my confidence back, and I want to share with you exactly what I did! (Post Sponsored By Smile Brilliant. All opinions & experiences are my own)


Custom Teeth Whitening Trays (By Smile Brilliant )- So first I want to tell you all about the method I tried, which is whitening trays. They are made to custom fit your mouth. You then line the trays with the whitening gel and pop them in! Custom trays have full coverage for your mouth and get right in-between the teeth where other whitening options cannot provide that. Trays are extremely safe for both enamel and gums. This is so important to look for in a teeth whitening product, as damaging your mouth is NOT what you’re looking to do!  Many dentists provide this exact same method, which should tell you how effective and reliable it is! The results are noticeable and permanent! (obviously little maintenance is required. Every few months you should pop your trays back in to keep up that perfect white smile!) They are very safe for sensitive teeth and gums. You should be whitening anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours. So if you are feeling some sensitivity at 45 minutes, just take them out and work your way up to longer times. There is always a chance of sensisity when using trays. They are a deep stain removal method so you could experience a bit! I personally did not. I could do 2-3 hours right from the beginning and they never bothered my teeth or gums. Lastly I need to let you know trays are more expensive than other alternatives. But you know the old saying “You get what you pay for?” That totally applies here! 

Smile Brilliant Custom Teeth Tray Whitening System         Pretty Girl Smiling With Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening System


My Whitening History – Alright everyone, confession time! I’ve never liked my teeth, and I’ve always been very self conscious of them. One of those big reasons was the colour of them and how yellow they were! When I was graduating high school, my parents got me a teeth whitening appointment at my local dentist. The method was called “ZOOM” It was so extremely painful for me! I didn’t get to finish the sessions, as they do them all in the same appointment. So by the time it got to the last one my gums and teeth hurt so badly I had to get them to stop. Which is all fine and dandy if it wasn’t already 500$! Now I couldn’t even get the entire treatment! I spent the next 2 days in a lot of pain. They did give me gel & trays to put in for the sensitivity, but they did not make the pain go away. After those 2 days, I was very happy with how white my teeth were! A few months went by and they were already almost fully back to the way they looked prior to the whitening. I was so shocked! How did this happen!? I didn’t drink coffee, wine, soda, many sweets. (we all know I’m a coffee & wine addict now! haha) How did they go back to being so yellow so quickly!? At this point I was very disappointed with this method. (Along with my parents who paid for it!)  Since this experience, I’ve tried strips, meh, thats all I have to say about them. I never really noticed a difference & they never stayed on my teeth well. Charcoal, which I did notice a difference, but to be honest, I didn’t feel comfortable putting those ingredients on my teeth so much. So all these led me to custom trays & I couldn’t be more happy with how they’ve turned out! 

Filling Custom Teeth Trays With Whitening Gel       Putting Smile Brilliant Whitening Gel Into Custom Teeth Trays

Instagram White Teeth – Well, now that you basically know everything about teeth whitening! haha You should head on over, and check out everything Smile Brilliant has to offer! Their kits are amazing and come with everything you need to get those instagram white teeth that everyone wants! Don’t hide your smile anymore. Show it off & be proud! Also give them a follow on  Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter to stay up to date on all their news & products! You can use my code for 15% off anything on their site![mrmrandmama15] 

Now last but certainly not least! Here are my amazing results! 

Before Picture Of Teeth Whitening

After Picture Of Teeth Whitening With Smile Brilliant

(Just to get you an idea, I used 2 whitening syringes. I now have 2 left to continue my whitening journey!) 

Now that you’ve seen my results with only using half of the kit! Don’t you want to win your own!? Head to this link (Smile Brilliant Giveaway) and enter to win your very own teeth whitening kit! 

Lots of Love ♥

Kaitlyn Xo 


Tooth Whitening Gel

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