1st Family Vacation

1st Family Vacation

Mexico you were good to us! I’ll be honest, for the entire year leading up to this trip, I was a bag of emotions. Stressed, anxious, worried, & panicking about traveling with Mr. Would I forget something important? Would the plane be a nightmare? Would Sleeping in the same room cause problems? Some people were telling me everything would be fine as he is an extremely happy, go with the flow type of baby. (Thank you for being just like your daddy) Then I had some making me panic, telling me traveling with a baby, all rules have to be out the window! You do what you have to do to make it through the trip!  

This might seem like an easy way to have a great week, but for me, this was very hard. I have rules, I don’t like breaking them. There are things I refuse to give in and just let happen. So here’s a break down of things I did, wouldn’t do, and would change for next time! 

The Plane – We brought snacks on snacks on snacks! This was a huge life saver! I got tons of snacks, a couple favourites mixed with a bunch of new ones to keep him occupied! Then to bring in the toys. I was looking for small, light, & new of course! I didn’t want to bring toys that he already plays with on the regular. Chances are they wouldn’t keep him busy as long. I got these but didn’t buy the 3 pack. I picked out individual ones of his favourite vehicles!

Now, where I got worried was almost everyone I’ve talked to about traveling, said that an iPad/tablet was the key to making it super easy. Well, in our household, Mr is not aloud to touch iPads, tablets, or phones. So I thought long and hard about changing this for the trip. End result, I just couldn’t do it! That would mean when we got home, I would have to explain to a 1.5 year old, that he cant touch those anymore. Which I feel was going to be impossible. So I found an alternative that I got him that teaches numbers, letters, & shapes. I just couldn’t cave on something hubby & I feel so strongly about.

For what I would change, (even though I will take advantage of not having to pay for a plane ticket until he’s 2) him having his own seat would have been the icing on the cake! So when he is over 2 it will be wonderful having his own space! Because shocker, he only wanted to sit on mama! 

Resort – Alright people! The resort we stayed at was kind enough to upgrade our room! Which was perfect! (larger room, massive jacuzzi, double sinks & bigger bathroom) We got to put his playpen around the corner of a wall so he wouldn’t be able to see us for bedtime. This would have been wonderful if he actually slept in it! Haha So another thing we have never done, is co-slept. I don’t care if you do, thats your own personal choice. It was just never our choice. From the first day we came home from the hospital, Mr has slept in his crib, in his room. & he’s been a pretty great sleeper for the most part! Well the last weekend trip we went on before Mexico, he refused to sleep in his play pen. I don’t understand what happened or how he went from being completely fine in his play pen when traveling, to screaming bloody murder when you try and put him in it. But this was something I was willing to adjust for the week so we all could sleep. Half of the time we were there, he passed out on me nursing, and I put him in his play pen. The other half of the time, he slept with us. Night 1 of co-sleeping HELL. I did not sleep, I had no room, was half off the king size bed. But of course hubby & Mr had tons and tons of room! Haha The other nights I figured everything out and I got much better sleep! For next time, I would want Mr to have his own room. It would just be much easier to let him cry it out in a separate room thats his & maybe he would feel more comfortable in? Im not sure but we need to figure something out for next time! (There will be more on our new co-sleeping adventure in my next blog post! Because yes, there are still some problems happening!) 

All in all, it was an amazing trip! Resort was so perfect for kids, weather was perfect, and of course, the wedding the 3 of us were in was also perfect! I hope my experience helps anyone reading who’s traveling with a little one! Also if you have any other suggestions that could help us for our next trip, drop them in the comments! 

P.S. I brought my dslr with me but never used it. So pictures aren’t the clearest!

Lots of Love ♥

Kaitlyn Xo

Father Mother & Baby In Mexico        Father & Son Sleeping In Mexico Resort Bedroom       Baby Boy Drinking Water At Mexico Sandos Resort       Mother Father Going For Walk In Mexico With Son In Stroller

Mommy Daddy & Baby Boys Feet In Sand On Mexico Beach        Ring Bearer & Ring Security Boys In Mexico On Beach

       Sandos Mexico Eco Resort

Family In Wedding In Mexico Sandos Eco Resort       Family Selfie In Mexico Sandos Eco Resort

Father & Mother Going For Walk In Mexico With Son In Stroller       Ring Security Boy In Mexico Wedding Sandos Eco Resort

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