C-Section Mama

I had an amazing pregnancy. Other than being so nauseous the first trimester, the rest of it was amazing! I felt perfect! The word C-Section never even came out of my mouth. Why would it? At the time, no one in my entire family had ever had one. There was nothing wrong with me, so absolutely no reason for one to ever happen. The only things I thought I knew about them, were other mamas horror stories. The worst experiences. But I knew I’d never have one so it really didn’t matter. HAHAHAHA jokes on me!
I was a week over due, I had minor symptoms of preeclampsia, which then very quickly, turned into every symptom to the extreme. To top it all off, Mr was in the posterior position. (Head down but facing the opposite way) After hours of trying to flip him and trying to make my labour progress; I got the worst news I ever thought I’d hear. My nurse got weird, she brought my Dr in, and then those words came out of her mouth.. “You need to have an emergency C-Section” WHAT!?!?!? For the first time through all of this, I started balling my eyes out. I was devastated! Why me!? What did I do to deserve this!?
Two hours later, at 6:04am, my beautiful, perfect, baby boy was born. Weighing a whopping 9 pounds, 4 ounces. He needed some mucus sucked out of him to breathe properly, then the cries started, and he was laid on my chest. We both held him and loved on him while I was getting put back together. He then got to lay on my chest while they pushed me back to my room. (If there is no complications, that’s what this hospital does for C-Section mamas) I then nursed him for the first time, and later got moved to my room where I would spend the next 5 days. Mr had minor withdrawals from the medication I’m on. I am not aloud to ever go off it for the rest of my life. I was told from the beginning there was a high chance of withdrawals happening. But it helped that I was breastfeeding so they weren’t as extreme as it could have been.
I had an amazing C-Section. It was purely amazing. Yes the healing was longer, but in all honesty, I felt great! My scar is barely even noticeable, and I healed so well. It’s now just another story to talk about. Another memory of how our baby came into this world. I wouldn’t change a damn thing about it to be completely honest. Also get this, I don’t want to try for a VBAC if we get pregnant again. Personally, I feel that coming out of my stomach, changed things there that will never be the same again. If I switched for the 2nd baby to have it vaginally, then I’ll destroy down there next! I’d rather keep it all in one spot & have my vagina stay the same. LOL
So there’s my C-Section adventure! Which way did you deliver? Tell me your story!
Lots of Love♥
Kaitlyn XO
Holy big baby. Imagine if you had squeezed him out. OUCH!. Both my babies were pushed out. 6lb 11oz and 7lb 11oz. The 2nd almost had to be vacuumed out as his heart was doing funky things as my midwife put it. They let me try for a few more minutes and I managed to get him out. Ends up the cord was around his neck. We got lucky.
LMAO RIGHT!! Anytime I say his size to someone I’m like.. but I had a C-Section.. just to be clear.. 😂😂 oh my gosh you got soooo lucky!!! That could have turned out bad!